The House Of Indie is a podcast That highlights Independent Comicbook Creators & the creative process.

Joey Galvez, the Founder and Host of The House Of Indie Podcast.
Joey Galvez Is the Founder and Host of The House Of Indie. He also Co-Created Wednesday Warriors LIVE a live streaming Geek culture talk show with Ambrosha Koepp TikTik Influencer Comics_and_Cupcakes. He is the CEO of The Geek Collective a Podcast Network featuring the geeky side of podcasting. Joey is the Sr. Network Development Officer at Age Of Radio, where he helps new and seasoned podcasters to grow their brand.
Joey has been a collector since the first time he bought X-men V2#1 Jim Lee CVR C. he has since collected all connecting covers, they aren’t worth a fortune ,but the sentimental value is worth more than any fortune to him.
“Around the time when I was part of a really cool Batman centric podcast, I felt the pull towards Indies, I have always been intrigued by the idea of creator owned stories, so when I discovered imprints like Scout, Source Point Press, Oneshi Press, Humanoids, AWA the list goes on, I wanted to read everything i got my hands on and found myself LOVING Indie books, so I had to talk about it. That’s why I created The House Of Indie. I wanted to learn about a whole world that I never really discovered this way before, now I can’t live without indies!”
Joey resides in Arizona with his wife Elizabeth & his 4 beautiful children.